Mazda Motor Corporation (MMC) launched the Axela, also known as the Mazda3. The latest version comes with the latest technology Axela typical Mazda, the SKYACTIV. The price, starting from 1.66 million to 2.67 million yen per unit. Targeted to sell 2,000 units per month.
Further, gasoline engines equipped with Axela Facelift 'SKYACTIV 2.0-liter, DOHC, 4-cylinder, direct injection, paired with 6-speed automatic transmission tech-DRIVE SKYACTIV. This last technology, claimed to reduce the gap with the gearshift capacity equivalent to a manual transmission. Power output reached at 154PS and torque of 194Nm at 6.000rpm 4.100rpm. The new engine is its average fuel consumption more efficient, which is 20 kpl (variants with pelek15 inches).
SKYACTIV-G 2.0 engine is also equipped with Mazda's new technology, the intelligent-Drive Master (i-DM). The technology is able to create a comfortable atmosphere and pleasant driving. There is also a good guide how to drive through the screen i-DM, specifically how to drive fuel efficient. Axela is a second model of Mazda Demio or armed SKYACTIV after Mazda2. This model is marketed with 10 variants including sedans, sport, the front wheels (front wheel drive) or four-wheel (4-wheel drive).
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